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little me day nurseries

settling children into nursery

Inspiring Potential

Each child settles into nursery in their own way. In our nurseries we have seen some children wave off their parents on their first day and embrace nursery life, on other occasions children have taken weeks and on occasions some children have taken longer.  Children also have to adjust to moving rooms within the nursery and on occasions children who are perfectly happy can become unsettled as they have to adjust to new routines, staff and rules.  So there is no quick answer on how to best settle children.

Nursery life is very different to home life and children have to adjust to a new environment, food, people, rules etc and this can be extremely overwhelming (think of your first day in a new company or a new job!).  We aim to offer a caring, nurturing environment where children feel safe and parents feel assured their child will be cuddled and looked after.  This adjustment can be difficult especially for parents who have never left their child before, so our settling in period isn’t intended to completely settle your child but an opportunity for parents to cope with separation and for staff and children to get to know each other.

Ultimately, for children to receive quality care and early learning that suits their individual needs, parents/carers and staff need to work together in a close partnership.  The two-way sharing of information is key to this and a relationship that is built on trust and understanding.

“we don’t just prepare children for school, we prepare them with skills for life”

Sarah Kingston, Regional Manager
little me day nurseries

promoting good behaviour at nursery

“children are not born with an understanding of the rules of acceptable behaviour – they have to learn them, and need adults to help do this”

Children benefit most when adults adopt a consistent and positive approach to the management of behaviour. By establishing clear boundaries according to the level of understanding, children become aware of the routines and begin to understand what is expected of them.

Children have a lot to learn about behaving and coping with very different environments in their first five years. The children in our nurseries are at varying stages of development. Our staff are sensitive to the individual needs of each child, their cultural and family backgrounds, and their developmental stage of learning.

Reward Chart

We encourage and celebrate good behaviour at nursery with reward charts and certificates

little me day nurseries

safety & well being at nursery


We recognise the responsibility that falls upon us to safeguard children that have been entrusted in our care. Our safeguarding policies and procedures are embedded into our everyday practises to ensure that we promote the wellbeing of children through everything we do. Each of our nurseries has a nominated person within the setting who is responsible for any Safeguarding Children issues and everyone working in our nurseries shares an objective to help keep children safe. Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare also forms a large part of our statutory responsibilities and covers most of the requirements of our registration with Ofsted.

All documentation relating to policies and procedures can be viewed on request at all our nurseries.

Dougie on Slide